Shooting in Omaha

Current information is that 9 are dead and about 5 wounded. Apparently the shooter took his own life.

A few postings ago, I mentioned about the increase of shooting of officers. I just received word from a friend that somebody shot up a number of people in an Omaha,NE Mall. Hopefully everyone is ok.

Ironically, President Bush was visiting Omaha earlier in the morning. It doesn’t appear to be connected to his visit at this time.

This underscores the dangers faced not just by officers but the public as well.

My prayers and thoughts go out to the families of the victims and the victims.

About Gary Smith

Chief Smith has served over 31 years in the criminal justice field. He is currently a consultant assisting public and private organizations better establish community goals and ethical conduct with the members of their organizations. Chief Smith serves as a facilitator, lecturer, professor and other capacities both inside and outside the criminal justice field.
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